Sunday, March 28, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
rock cutters in nalgonda
Birds, animals, even small species have shelter to live but we don’t have any shelter from my fore fatheres time. We have been migrating one place to another place insearch of work said Mallaiah a sixty year old man in “Kashiraju palle” a small village in Nalgonda district, where we visited for covering the deprived areas in Nalgonda district in Andhra Pradesh. Mallaiah belongs to Vaddera community (rock cutters) who usually migrates one place to another place. Vaddera’s ancestors were stonecutters and diggers. Their main occupation is either digging wells and canals or cutting stones to earn their livelihood. Today the face of the community has changed a lot. There are very few members of the community who are still doing their ancestrol occupation of stone cutting or digging wells.
Migration is the main problem for their development. We are here for six months for road work. Once we finish this work we have to leave this place. Because of this migration we are not gettting any governament benefits like ration cards , education for our children , health cards etc.If the governament provide a permanent place to work we can settle down,says Parvathamma.
Poverty and illiteracy are the main reasons for their backwardness. I did not get an oppurtunity to study, not only me anyone of our community get a chance to study. It’s very difficult to join our chidren in to school. To day we are working here and tomarrow we don’t know where we will go. If the governament provide some land for cultivation we can settle down at one place says Raju a youngester in the community. The Vaddera children are invariably made to work and they do not go to school.By force of circumstances, they have to move with their parents to assist them.
While working along with their parents, the children earn some extra money to
support the family. Although the parents now want to send their children to school, their poor
economic conditions and migration one place to another place become the hurdles for their education.
Recently some of them got ration cards in Kashiraju palle but they can not use this ration card once they leave this place what is the use of this card. We don’t have grave yards we don’t have any kind of fecilities we have been staying small huts, that to outskirts of the village. Some times snakes and insects come in to our hut it’s really horrible for us to live without electricity and all says one young man of this communty.
These are all staying in small huts in outskirts of the Kashiraju palle. The ineresting thing is the governament officials and the media usually visits this villeage but they never concern about these vaddera community problems. There are few represents to this community in government. Vaddera community considered as BCs but their economical conditions are poorer than the Lamabadas and Chenchus in the same district. Lambadas and Chenchus are far better than the Vaddera community. The disrtict collecter says that the we are trying to improve their economic condition, and he rectlesly said that the condition of the people this state is far better than UP and Bihar. It shows the how the tribals and other backwrd classes like vaddera community have been neglected by the governament.